Newsletter Spring / Summer 2015

February 1, 2020   

President’s Report: Looking Back, Moving Forward Looking back another busy, interesting, and unique year has passed for TUARA. There were changes to our usual program format and partnerships that provided fresh new experiences. Opting to join with UA’s Health Fair gave TUARA members broader opportunities for health check-ups and information gathering. Obviously a winner, therefore calling for a repeat this year. […]

Newsletter Fall / Winter 2016

February 1, 2020   

Mildred Switzer nominated by TUARA for Area District 10 Director  At TUARA’s Fall Membership Meeting, Mildred Switzer was nominated and voted upon as a candidate for the office of District 10 Director of the Alabama Education Retirees Association (AERA). The District 10 Director position which has a two-year term represents retirees from all Alabama higher […]

Newsletter Fall / Winter 2018

February 1, 2020   

Two Students awarded Robert E. Witt First Generation Book Scholarship University of Alabama sophomores Sophia Nasrat and Nicquavious Craig have been awarded TUARA’s Robert E. Witt First Generation Book Scholarship for the 2018 fall semester. The scholarships, funded by TUARA  members’ donations, provided $500 for each student for the purchase of textbooks. Sophia Nasrat is […]