Revised TUARA Constitution Approved
TUARA members approved the recently proposed revisions to the TUARA Constitution in a unanimous vote.  You can review the updated Constitution on the TUARA website at  The TUARA Executive Board will now turn its attention to updating the TUARA Bylaws.

 Save the Date: TUARA Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting, April 14
This year’s Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting sponsored by the UA President’s Office will be held at the Hotel Capstone on Monday, April 14, 2025, from 11 am to 1 pm.  Mark your calendar now!  More information will be forthcoming closer to the event.

Nominations for TUARA Executive Board Needed
If you would like to nominate a TUARA member to serve on the Executive Board, please send us an email at Likewise, if you are interested in serving on the Executive Board or a committee, please send us an email.

TUARA Award Nominations Due
Now is the time to recognize a fellow retiree with a nomination for one of TUARA’s annual awards.

The Judy Bonner Award is presented annually to an individual who exemplifies the leadership and service characteristics set forth during Dr. Bonner’s tenure at The University of Alabama. Last year’s winner was Pamela Pruitt, whose numerous service commitments included a term as TUARA’s Vice President for Membership.

The TUARA Community Service Award recognizes outstanding service to the West Alabama community. Last year’s winner was Pamela Parker, who also has been deeply involved in many service organizations, including Reading Allies and the Boys and Girls Club, among others.

Nominations are also invited for the Partnership Award, which is presented to a person or organization that has offered notable service to TUARA.   Last year’s winner was the UA President’s Office, which is responsible for planning our annual luncheon.

More information and nomination forms are available on the TUARA website at  The nomination deadline is March 15. Awards are presented at the Annual Meeting in April.

Connect with TUARA
Follow TUARA on Facebook at

Volunteer Hours
Whether you volunteer weekly or just occasionally, please report your volunteer hours to TUARA. We share reported hours with AERA. AERA, in turn, uses retirees’ volunteer hours statewide to demonstrate the value that retirees bring to Alabama’s economy and quality of life. It’s easy! Just email your hours, broken down by the categories in the chart below, to Please report any previously unreported hours from January 1, 2024 through the present.

Service hours should include activities in Alabama for which you have not received financial reimbursement. Hours should also not include 1) Sunday school and church attendance, 2) Caring for family members, and 3) Participation in AERA activities on state committees or the Board of Directors. You may include hours spent on TUARA activities, except for attending board meetings.

Categories Examples # of Service Hours
Arts Children’s Hands-On Museum, theater, opera, arts
Church Church related service projects (not attendance for worship services)
Civic Organizational projects, civic and special interest
Health Bloodmobile, clinics, nursing home, nutrition, home care
Education Mentoring, literacy projects
Transportation Shopping, errands, escort services
RSVP/Volunteer Programs Shut-Ins, telephone, etc.
Youth Work Big Brothers Big Sisters, work related to youth programs
TUARA TUARA volunteer activities, administrative work, communications, etc.
OLLI Taking a class or a trip, teaching a course
Other (specify)
Total Hours    



• Advocates for retiree benefits on campus and in Montgomery
• Promotes retirees’ volunteer service
• Awards the Robert E. Witt First-Generation Scholarship
• Provides networking and fun with colleagues and friends
Annual membership is only $25! Visit for more information.